
Affine Cipher written in C#

The following code written in C# encrypts and decrypts using the Affine Cipher. For more information, check out Making, Breaking Codes by Paul Garrett. All questions/comments are always appreciated.

/// This function takes plain text and encrypts it using the Affine Cipher
/// e(x) = (ax + b)(mod m). Note: a & m should be coprime.
public static string AffineEncrypt(string plainText, int a, int b)
string cipherText = "";

// Put Plain Text (all capitals) into Character Array
char[] chars = plainText.ToUpper().ToCharArray();

// Compute e(x) = (ax + b)(mod m) for every character in the Plain Text
foreach (char c in chars)
int x = Convert.ToInt32(c - 65);
cipherText += Convert.ToChar((( a * x + b ) % 26) + 65);

return cipherText;

/// This function takes cipher text and decrypts it using the Affine Cipher
/// d(x) = aInverse * (e(x) − b)(mod m).
public static string AffineDecrypt(string cipherText, int a, int b)
string plainText = "";

// Get Multiplicative Inverse of a
int aInverse = MultiplicativeInverse(a);

// Put Cipher Text (all capitals) into Character Array
char[] chars = cipherText.ToUpper().ToCharArray();

// Computer d(x) = aInverse * (e(x) − b)(mod m)
foreach (char c in chars)
int x = Convert.ToInt32(c - 65);
if (x - b < 0) x = Convert.ToInt32(x) + 26;
plainText += Convert.ToChar(((aInverse * (x - b)) % 26) + 65);

return plainText;

/// This functions returns the multiplicative inverse of integer a mod 26.
public static int MultiplicativeInverse(int a)
for (int x = 1; x < 27; x++)
if ((a * x) % 26 == 1)
return x;

throw new Exception("No multiplicative inverse found!");


  1. hi... how could i implement the encryption and decryption of affine cipher using matlab... could u help me pls or give an outline of the idea of wat should be done..

    1. Ah yes, a homework problem. Here's a link that should help you out. http://practicalcryptography.com/ciphers/affine-cipher/

  2. please reply as early as possible... please

  3. I dont understand the significance of int x = Convert.ToInt32(c - 65);
    Please explain

    1. It's because the ASCII table contains capital letters starting at code 65, so I'm using this number as an offset for the chars array index. Do a search on ASCII Codes and you will see why.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am implementing this in java. I'm stuck in "foreach" loop. Could you help me please.

    1. In java, you would have to use Integer.parseInt() and (char) to cast. I hope this makes sense.

  6. If possible, can you give this in c++?
